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Phototherapy for Vitiligo and Psoriasis (Daavlin whole body phototherapy + Hand and Foot unit)

Pearl Skincare Center has NB UVB Daavlin Phototherapy systems, specially imported from the USA. Phototherapy is revolutionary modern treatment for Psoriasis, Vitiligo and other skin conditions. The procedure uses ultraviolet(UV) light to slow the rapid growth fo new skin cells. In the past many doctors have treated Psoriasis and Vitiligo using the PUVA system which involved takin Psoralen pills and the use of Ultra Violet A light exposure. However, the side-effects were high and patients had to wear sun protective glasses even after treatment. The safe phototherapy procedure has none of the side-effects of PUVA system. This gives patients the confidence to go for the complete course.

1.Co2 Fraxel Laser

Fraxel treatment is a revolutionary laser treatment that helps reduce acne, burn and trauma scars and removes wrintles. In this anti-ageing treatment, thousands of microscopic laser columns stimulate the production of younger, smoother, healthier skin to replace damaged tissue.

2.Q Switched Nd: YAG laser

This laser treatment is a simple cosmetic procedure for removal of unwanted tattoos as also for the treatment of pigmented lesions, such as sun-damanged skin and age spots

3.Whole body phototherapy unit

Phototherapy si a modern, effective, less invasive and less time-consuming treatment for chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, vitiligo and eczema. The whole body phototherapy unit, which emits UVA as well as Narrow band UVB is used for undertaking patch tests for patients with contact dermatitis.

4.Hand & Foot phototherapy unit

This unit too is used in the treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo and eczema. Its advantage is that hands and feet can be snugly inserted and treated.

5.Chemical peels

An inexpensive and easy procedure with stunning results to counter acne especially acne scars, hyperpigmentation and photodamaged skin


This routine procedure removes unwanted tissue or warts on the face and body. Through a small electric proble, it burns away unwanted warts with very minimal scabs

7.Vitiligo surgery

Vitiligo is a skin condition where white patches develop on the skin. The hair that grows in areas affected by Vitiligo usually turns white. The surgical management of Vitiligo has evolved significantly and is chosen when medical modality is just not enough


Microdermabrasion is the latest advancement in aesthetic clinics and beauty spas. It is a cosmetic procedure in which the stratum corneum (dead outermost surface of the skin) is partically or completely removed by gentle abrasion through different methods include medhanical abrasion.